Cornerstone 4.2 is now available! Dark mode, full macOS 10.15 support, in-app license key management, and more. Release notes.

Release Notes for (v1.0.4)

Filed under: Cornerstone,Release Notes — Administrator @ 2:46 am

Known Issues

  1. SVN+SSH connectivity requires the use of a public/private key-pair. Use of password-only authentication is not supported in this version.
  2. The RSA key fingerprint stored by the local SSH client must have been accepted before attempting to connect to the repository using Cornerstone. See Frequently Asked Questions for more detailed information.

Resolved Issues

# Description
Corrected Library/Caches folder in How do I Uninstall Cornerstone? section of FAQ.
Added I can’t connect to a repository via SSH when my user name contains an @ character. What can I do? section to FAQ.
432 Error is raised when examining file contents from repository via HTTP on port other than 80
504 server certificate rejected by some Macs during license registration
509 Can’t export files from repositories with non-standard port specified in URL
537 Ctrl+click doesn’t display action menu for files and folders in browser view

Release Notes for (v1.0.3)

Filed under: Cornerstone,Release Notes — Administrator @ 4:31 pm

Known Issues

  1. SVN+SSH connectivity requires the use of a public/private key-pair. Use of password-only authentication is not supported in this version.
  2. The RSA key fingerprint stored by the local SSH client must have been accepted before attempting to connect to the repository using Cornerstone. See Frequently Asked Questions for more detailed information.

Resolved Issues

# Description
468 New Folder window can be displayed offscreen
473 Visual glitch (i.e. screen cheese) in node inspector
489 Finder Icon? files are not handled correctly. Icon? files are now automatically ignored.
491 Commit selection should be disabled if an ignored file is selected
492 License trial period is always expired on NFS volumes
493 Caching log which contain items for which the user does not have permissions causes error
499 Can’t send support request if Mac model isn’t recognized
500 License registration is ‘lost’ when preference synching is enabled between two Macs.

Release Notes for (v1.0.2)

Filed under: Cornerstone,Release Notes — Administrator @ 7:40 am

Known Issues

  1. SVN+SSH connectivity requires the use of a public/private key-pair. Use of password-only authentication is not supported in this version.
  2. The RSA key fingerprint stored by the local SSH client must have been accepted before attempting to connect to the repository using Cornerstone. See Frequently Asked Questions for more detailed information.

Resolved Issues

# Description
485 License registration fails if ‘Include anonymous system information’ is disabled

Release Notes for (v1.0.1)

Filed under: Cornerstone,Release Notes — Administrator @ 1:30 pm

Known Issues

  1. SVN+SSH connectivity requires the use of a public/private key-pair. Use of password-only authentication is not supported in this version.
  2. The RSA key fingerprint stored by the local SSH client must have been accepted before attempting to connect to the repository using Cornerstone. See Frequently Asked Questions for more detailed information.

Resolved Issues

# Description
440 Crash when reactivating application with working copy containing files for which the user does not have permissions
441 Conflict resolution bar is not displayed for binary conflicted files.
447 Symbolic link to versioned directory in working copy causes Cornerstone to raise repeated errors.
456 History isn’t displayed in timeline view for file:// URLs which include localhost host name.
457 Cannot connect to svn:// repository which requires authentication for read permissions.
465 Key equivalent description (Press ⌘Enter… to close) in log message sheet is incorrect
417 UI not updated following change in selection where new selection is sub-set of old selection
433 ‘Web site’ is spelled incorrectly in licensing UI
453 Add ‘Visit Cornerstone Web Site…’ function to Help menu
478 Text selection can be incorrect in text diff view under certain conditions
479 Opening an unversioned folder results in an error which the user cannot recover from

Cornerstone v1.0 Released

Filed under: Cornerstone,News — Administrator @ 6:48 am

In February 2007 we set ourselves the task of developing the Subversion client that the Mac deserves. And we thought that the best way to do this would be to build the best Subversion application not just on Mac OS X, but on any platform.

We wanted to make an application which would make version control usable and, most-of-all, approachable to Mac users. We decided to use Subversion as a basis for a number of reasons. First, it’s a relatively simple, yet powerfully flexible system. Second, it’s wildly popular. Third, it is under constant development and therefore holds much potential for the future. That fact that Subversion’s APIs are of a high-quality and generously published under the BSD license also helped!

But most importantly, we felt we could bring something unique to the table by combining the power of Subversion with the elegance of Mac OS X.

Cornerstone v1.0 is the result.

So after almost 18 months of designing, coding and testing; after almost 1.5 years of living and breathing Xcode, Interface Builder, Instruments, Photoshop, TextMate and Trac, here it is and it’s available for download and purchase immediately.

We hope you like it and use it.

We hope it becomes a valuable part of your coding tool-chain.

Finally, Cornerstone incorporates open-source and public-domain code from numerous individuals and organizations, not least of course Subversion itself. The full list of licensed components is included with the application in the form of an acknowledgements document (available in the application’s Help menu). We hope that those that have unknowingly (unwittingly?) contributed to Cornerstone feel their contributions are attributed to them in suitable fashion.

Press Release

Cornerstone v1.0 Available » Press Release

Filed under: Cornerstone,Press Releases — Administrator @ 6:48 am

ZURICH, Switzerland – June 23rd 2008

Cornerstone, Zennaware’s Subversion client for Mac OS X reached v1.0 today after over 15 months of intensive development and testing. With integrated working copy and repository browsers as well as visual compare and history tools, we are confident that Cornerstone is the best Subversion client not just on Mac OS X, but any platform.

Cornerstone ships as a universal binary, supporting both Intel and G4 & G5 PowerPC processors on both Mac OS X 10.4 Tiger and 10.5 Leopard. Mac OS X 10.4.11 or 10.5.3 or newer are recommended.

A single-user Cornerstone license is available immediately for the introductory price of $59. This introductory pricing offer extends to July 31st, 2008. 5- and 10-user license packs are also available for $259 and $449 respectively. Users can purchase licenses securely from, receiving their license information via email.

A free 14-day trial version of the application can be downloaded from the product’s site at The trial version can be permanently unlocked by entering the license information received via email with the purchase receipt.

More information about Cornerstone including screenshots and a product overview is available on the product’s web-site.


About Zennaware

Zennaware is a small independent software vender which develops high-quality applications exclusively for Apple’s Mac line of computers to run on Mac OS X. Zennaware is located just outside Zurich in Switzerland.

Press Contacts

For press-related questions please contact

Release Notes for (v1.0 Release)

Filed under: Cornerstone,Release Notes — Administrator @ 6:41 am

Known Issues

  1. SVN+SSH connectivity requires the use of a public/private key-pair. Use of password-only authentication is not supported in this version.
  2. The RSA key fingerprint stored by the local SSH client must have been accepted before attempting to connect to the repository using Cornerstone. See Frequently Asked Questions for more detailed information.

Resolved Issues

# Description
369 Create Repository path entry is inconsistent with other sheets
370 Path entry should be changed from label-style text field with button to a popup menu button
371 Registrations can’t be renamed using double-click
372 Activate application when dragging to repository and prompting for options with Option-drag
373 Import: New or old working copy name not accepted/used when OK clicked with mouse
377 Subversion version information is missing from about window
378 Credits field in about window is editable
379 Incorrect trial period duration displayed in trial period expiration sheet
381 Directories can be locked causing error
383 Folder revision isn’t updated correctly while browsing
380 Lock status is not displayed reliably
386 User can choose a non-working copy directory in Open Working Copy’s file popup
387 Change count should be displayed in log message sheet
388 Missing files and folders can be renamed
389 Added-in-repository files can be renamed, deleted, exported, locked
291 Clicking header of image-based column in log message sheet causes exceptions
391 Folder nested change indicator not displayed for replaced items
393 Copy/Move options attached window uses encoded name for repository nodes
394 Main window isn’t activated when dragging from Finder to working copy
392 Cannot move or copy added or replaced files in working copy until committed
396 Dragging conflicted files should not be possible
397 Renaming conflicted file should not be possible
399 Remove information bar from bottom of node browser views
403 Missing files cannot be deleted
404 Add Release Notes to Application’s Help Menu
405 Add FAQ Document to Application’s Help Menu
406 Dragging file from working copy with Finder to different working copy in Cornerstone results in destination being scheduled for deletion
416 ‘Revert to Last Commit’ menu item text is incorrect/inaccurate
420 URL displayed in working copy inspector is incorrect for external references
421 Out-of-date working copy items can’t be locked
422 Ignored file can be locked, leading to error message

Release Notes for (Release Candidate)

Filed under: Cornerstone,Release Notes — Administrator @ 2:22 am

Resolved Issues

# Issue Description
357 Serial number field in license entry sheet does not size correctly
359 Inspector fields are not selectable
360 Browser content splitview is not resized correctly with main window resize
361 Add Repository’ toolbar item title is inconsistent with menu items
363 Add Subversion ‘Red Book’ to application as documentation
364 Modify placeholder view to include documentation links
365 Add ‘Request Support’ item to Help menu
130 Create quick reference card

Release Notes for (Beta 2)

Filed under: Cornerstone,Release Notes — Administrator @ 3:35 am

Resolved Issues

# Issue Description
301 Incorrect error when attempting to register blacklisted license
302 License fields are still editable after registration
303 No error message displayed when creating directory with name of existing directory
304 Renaming folder with invalid characters in name results in strange behavior
307 Importing over directory which already exists leads to ugly error message
308 Checking out working copy over an existing directory does not result in an error
310 Repeated drag from repository to application such as TextMate causes overwrite prompt and recipient fails to open file
311 Error caused by attempting to rename a locked file
312 Lock filter doesn’t work for repository view
317 Renaming a deleted file in working copy causes silent error
318 Attempting to commit changes to an unowned locked file causes unfriendly error
319 Content toolbar button always displays content at bottom, even if content view is currently at right
333 Dragging file with space in name from repository export results in URL-encoded name
334 Cannot save changes to properties for multiple selection when new value is same as one or more selected file
336 Tasks no longer monitored in history window after window closed in multi-window mode
337 Up/Down history toolbar buttons not updated after track view selection change
338 Filter log items by message text fails to find matches
340 History field search fields do not scroll horizontally
341 Add lock/unlock to file menu
342 Attempting to lock file in repository accessed without authentication results in error
343 Working copy lock filter only filters for owned locks
344 Unversioned files can be locked, resulting in an error
346 Working copy should copy paths both paths and NSFilenamesPboardType to pasteboard
349 Cannot import single files into repository using file browser
350 Add Check Out item to Working Copy menu
352 Dragging file from finder to working copy and overwriting existing versioned file causes file to be deleted from working copy