The Timeline Inspector

The timeline inspector displays information about the revision selected in the timeline view.

The inspector groups information into sections such as General, Message and Changes. Each section can be collapsed and expanded as needed to maximize the available screen space for your current task.



The name of the item at the selected revision.


The number of the selected revision.


The location of the item in the repository at the time of the revision.


The date when the revision was committed.


The type of change made to the item at the selected revision.


The name of the user that committed the revision. This may be empty if the user repository permits anonymous access.


This section shows the message for the revision. This section may be empty if the repository permits empty messages for commits.

If issue tracking support is enabled (see Integrating with Issue Tracking Systems for more information), matching issue numbers are displayed as links. Clicking on the link will open a browser window on the issue’s page in the issue tracking system.


This section lists the items that were changed in this revision. The following icons are used to represent the type of change committed:

The item was added or branched.
The item was deleted. If the item was branched in the same revision then this indicates a move or rename operation.
The item’s contents or properties were modified.
The item was replaced, i.e. removed and added in the same revision.