Cornerstone 4.2 is now available! Dark mode, full macOS 10.15 support, in-app license key management, and more. Release notes.

Cornerstone 2.7.16 Release Notes

Filed under: Cornerstone,Release Notes — Administrator @ 6:12 am

2.7.16 is a free upgrade for all Cornerstone 2 license holders that fixes issues uncovered since the release of 2.7. It also improves compatibility with OS X 10.10 Yosemite.

See Cornerstone 2.7 Release Notes for more information on the new features and improvements introduced with 2.7.

Please note that Cornerstone 2.7.16 no longer supports Subversion versions 1.4 and 1.5. If you require support for these legacy versions of Subversion then we recommend you continue to use Cornerstone 2.7.14.

2.7.16 runs on OS X 10.7 and later.

Important Information for Mac App Store Users

We have taken the unusual step of publishing this version to direct customers without waiting for the Mac App Store review process to complete. 2.7.16 will be released to the Mac App Store as soon as it has been accepted by Apple’s review team.

Mac App Store users affected by the issues outlined below can download the trial version of Cornerstone 2.7.16 from our site as a temporary workaround until 2.7.16 becomes available in the Mac App Store.

Resolved Issues

  • Cornerstone displays an unexpected error when choosing “Select…” from the popup button labeled “Where” in the check out options window
  • An error is displayed when switching to the timeline view under certain circumstances.

Cornerstone 2.7.15 Release Notes

Filed under: Cornerstone,Release Notes — Administrator @ 6:34 am

2.7.15 is a free upgrade for all Cornerstone 2 license holders that fixes issues uncovered since the release of 2.7. It also improves compatibility with OS X 10.10 Yosemite.

See Cornerstone 2.7 Release Notes for more information on the new features and improvements introduced with 2.7.

Please note that Cornerstone 2.7.15 no longer supports Subversion versions 1.4 and 1.5. If you require support for these legacy versions of Subversion then we recommend you continue to use Cornerstone 2.7.14.

2.7.15 runs on OS X 10.7 and later.

Resolved Issues

  • 1.7-level Subversion updated to 1.7.18. See the Apache Subversion Change Log for details on the issues addressed in this version
  • 1.8-level Subversion updated to 1.8.10. See the Apache Subversion Change Log for details on the issues addressed in this version
  • Timeline popover is no longer displayed after horizontal scrolling under certain conditions
  • Timeline popover is not displayed after scrolling if cursor is positioned over an event when scrolling stops
  • Tooltip shown for items in the “Changes” tab of the log event inspector shows unformatted information
  • Cornerstone crashes when committing the deletion of a folder in a 1.8-format working copy
  • Fixed visual inconsistencies and glitches when running on OS X 10.10 Yosemite
  • Fixed scrolling performance issues in the log view on OS X 10.10 Yosemite
  • Fixed scrolling performance issues in the compare view on OS X 10.10 Yosemite
  • Log table view now uses Helvetica Neue on OS X 10.10 Yosemite

Cornerstone 2.7.14 Release Notes

Filed under: Cornerstone,Release Notes — Administrator @ 1:47 am

2.7.14 is a free upgrade for all Cornerstone 2 license holders that fixes issues uncovered since the release of 2.7.

See Cornerstone 2.7 Release Notes for more information on the new features and improvements introduced with 2.7.

2.7.14 runs on OS X 10.6, 10.7, 10.8 and 10.9.

Resolved Issues

  • Cornerstone cannot open versioned directories contained within unversioned directories that themselves are contained in working copies.

Cornerstone 2.7.13 Release Notes

Filed under: Cornerstone,Release Notes — Administrator @ 7:21 am

2.7.13 is a free upgrade for all Cornerstone 2 license holders that fixes issues uncovered since the release of 2.7.

See Cornerstone 2.7 Release Notes for more information on the new features and improvements introduced with 2.7.

2.7.13 runs on OS X 10.6, 10.7, 10.8 and 10.9.

Resolved Issues

  • 1.8-level Subversion updated to 1.8.8. See the Apache Subversion Change Log for details on the issues addressed in this version.
  • Cornerstone no longer displays an error when attempting to open a 1.8-format working copy.
  • The correct repository type icon is now used in the recent item menus in the HTTP(S) and SVN pages of the add/edit repository window.
  • Revision range “+” (i.e. – HEAD) in the revision range field is not displayed correctly when tokenized.
  • Cornerstone hangs if overwrite prompt is canceled when dragging a file from the repository browser to another application.
  • Ruby regex string literals containing escaped forward slashes are not rendered correctly in the compare view.

Cornerstone 2.7.12 Release Notes

Filed under: Cornerstone,Release Notes — Administrator @ 4:18 am

2.7.12 is a free upgrade for all Cornerstone 2 license holders that fixes issues uncovered since the release of 2.7.

See Cornerstone 2.7 Release Notes for more information on the new features and improvements introduced with 2.7.

2.7.12 runs on OS X 10.6, 10.7, 10.8 and 10.9.

Resolved Issues

  • Cornerstone crashes on OS X 10.9 when saving a change to the global ignore settings. This issue was incorrectly reported as fixed in 2.7.11.

Cornerstone 2.7.11 Release Notes

Filed under: Cornerstone,Release Notes — Administrator @ 5:48 am

2.7.11 is a free upgrade for all Cornerstone 2 license holders that fixes issues uncovered since the release of 2.7.

See Cornerstone 2.7 Release Notes for more information on the new features and improvements introduced with 2.7.

2.7.11 runs on OS X 10.6, 10.7, 10.8 and 10.9.

Resolved Issues

  • 1.7-level Subversion updated to 1.7.14. See the Apache Subversion Change Log for details on the issues addressed in this version.
  • Clicking a cornerstone-svnrep URL (for example in the Beanstalk dashboard) does not display the Add Repository window in the App Store version.
  • The cloud repository sheet’s default button should be titled “Save” when editing an existing repository.
  • Clicking the “Relocate To” menu item in the “Working Copy” menu results in an error being displayed.
  • Deleted folders in 1.7-format working copies cannot be expanded in the working copy browser.
  • Cornerstone crashes on OS X 10.9 when saving a change to the global ignore settings.
  • Cornerstone displays an error when pasting a license key into the license information window with certain “Language and Region” settings on OS X 10.9.

Cornerstone 2.7.10 Release Notes

Filed under: Cornerstone,Release Notes — Administrator @ 1:33 am

2.7.10 is a free upgrade for all Cornerstone 2 license holders that fixes issues uncovered since the release of 2.7.

See Cornerstone 2.7 Release Notes for more information on the new features and improvements introduced with 2.7.

2.7.10 runs on OS X 10.6, 10.7 and 10.8.

Resolved Issues

  • 1.7-level Subversion updated to 1.7.10. See the Apache Subversion Change Log for details on the issues addressed in this version.
  • Cornerstone’s support for as an external compare tool is broken after upgrading to Changes 1.6.2.
  • Cornerstone crashes when comparing images on OS X 10.6.

Cornerstone 2.7.9 Release Notes

Filed under: Cornerstone,Release Notes — Tags: , — Administrator @ 12:00 am

2.7.9 is a free upgrade for all Cornerstone 2 license holders that fixes issues uncovered since the release of 2.7.

See Cornerstone 2.7 Release Notes for more information on the new features and improvements introduced with 2.7.

2.7.9 runs on OS X 10.6, 10.7 and 10.8.

Resolved Issues

  • 1.7-level Subversion updated to 1.7.8. See the Apache Subversion Change Log for details on the issues addressed in this version.
  • Cornerstone crashes when downloading the merge log from a repository with revisions that have no revision properties. (#1398)
  • Cornerstone should utilize the integrated GPU on MacBook Pros when possible. (#1399)
  • The description of the “Always copy modified files to trash before deleting/reverting” option presented in the delete/revert prompt is inconsistent with the effect of the function (suppressing the alert) and should be removed. (#1404)
  • The revert command does not prompt for confirmation in all cases. (#1405)
  • Inspector split view remains visible in main window when inspector is configured for display in a separate window. (#1407)
  • Cornerstone’s support for Kaleidoscope is broken after upgrading to Kaleidoscope 2. (#1408)
  • The warning overlay displayed in the merge revision picker shows a broken image link. (#1409)

Cornerstone 2.7.8 Release Notes

Filed under: Cornerstone,Release Notes — Tags: , — Administrator @ 2:47 am

2.7.8 is a free upgrade for all Cornerstone 2 license holders that fixes issues uncovered since the release of 2.7.

See Cornerstone 2.7 Release Notes for more information on the new features and improvements introduced with 2.7.

2.7.8 runs on OS X 10.6, 10.7 and 10.8.

Resolved Issues

  • Added support for Macs with Retina displays.
  • 1.7-level Subversion updated to 1.7.7. See the Apache Subversion Change Log for details on the issues addressed in this version.
  • Cloud service-specific repository icons are not displayed in the open panel’s source list. (#1352)
  • Clicking the path popup menu in the Switch window’s URL field can cause an error to be displayed for working copies that have been relocated. (#1354)
  • Cornerstone displays two error messages after a switch failure. (#1355)
  • Working copy files whose names end with a space character are not handled correctly. (#1367)
  • Filenames specified when creating folders or renaming files should not be permitted to begin or end with space characters. (#1368)
  • Cornerstone crashes after entering an empty password for a repository accessed via http, https or non-tunneled svn. (#1375)
  • “Revert to Saved” button is clipped when Inspector width is reduced to minimum. (#1384)
  • The keyboard shortcuts for the Last Difference, Previous Difference and Next Difference commands are displayed incorrectly. (#1392)
  • Text and images displayed in the “Cloud Service” pane of Cornerstone’s “Add Repository” window are inconsistent with CollabNet’s cloud hosting service. (#1394)
  • Cornerstone displays an error when clicking “Compare with .mine” with a binary file selected. Command should not be available for conflicted binary files. (#1395)
  • The annotations legend window may be displayed by the image view in some situations. (#1396)
  • An error is sometimes displayed when switching to the text compare view with annotations enabled. (#1397)

Cornerstone 2.7.7 Release Notes

Filed under: Cornerstone,Release Notes — Administrator @ 7:40 am

2.7.7 is a free upgrade for all Cornerstone 2 license holders that fixes issues uncovered since the release of 2.7.

See Cornerstone 2.7 Release Notes for more information on the new features and improvements introduced with 2.7.

2.7.7 runs on OS X 10.6, 10.7 and 10.8. Please note that 2.7 does not run on Mac OS X 10.5 Leopard.


  • 1.7-level Subversion updated to 1.7.5.

Resolved Issues

  • Cornerstone displays a warning message when canceling a tag or branch operation. (#1331)
  • Cornerstone no longer includes the “Commit Anyway” option when committing changes to a working copy containing unversioned files. (#1345)