The transcript is displayed as an outline of entries.
The columns in the outline view are described in a separate topic.
Transcript entries are automatically discarded after a period to prevent the transcript from becoming too long. Select a discard period from the Transcript menu or from the popup menu in the view’s toolbar.
The available discard options are:
The last entry will be discarded before the next entry is added. The transcript will only ever contain a single entry.
The discard option is set individually for each source’s transcript and defaults to 1 day.
Long expiry times result in large transcripts, especially for busy working copies. Large transcripts cause higher memory utilization and in extreme cases can have an impact on startup and shutdown times as transcripts are read from and written to disk.
To remove entries from a transcript:
To clear output in a transcript:
Notes are not removed by the Transcript > Clear Output function.
To clear both output and user notes in a transcript: